28/03/2023 NEWS
Project: Architecture Pop-up Lab Exchange (APLE)
Erasmus + Capacity Building in Higher Education
Duration of the Project: 36 months
Start date: 01.04.2023.
Project Participants:
Western Balkans: University of Sarajevu – Coordinator, University of Montenegro, University of Banja Luka, University of Mostar
EU Partners: University of Zagreb, Sapienza University of Rome, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim
The Project led by the Faculty of Architecture in Sarajevo was created with the aim of mediating between the challenges of contemporary architectural education and the dynamic changes and needs of the labour market, and generally aims to create a positive synergistic relationship between education,bussinesses, governmental and NGO sectors.
The implementation of the Project will be carried out with the involvement of academic staff and students through studies (larger courses with multiple components/fields), workshops with partners, Pop-up laboratories – improvement of digital skills.
New generations of architects will benefit from this initiative through increased competitiveness on the labour market, the real sector will have access to interested and talented students. Teachers will have opportunities to improve teaching and scientific research work through cooperation and improved technical equipment.
Regional and EU partners will transfer best practices and examples of cooperation, so that the implementation will be based on the significant experience of the partners in the project, – of course with the specifics of each University.
The project consists of three basic components:
1. Upgrade in the educational process + internationalization and regional cooperation
2. Proactive approach to the private and public sector, practical work, and internships for students through design offices, contractors, material suppliers/producers, construction industry, and governmental and non-governmental institutions.
3. Technical equipment of the faculty (for all involved WB countries) and upgrading of teaching and research made possible by Pop-up Laboratories that upgrade students’ skills, which consists of Core Labs (laboratory space and workshop – model room, modelling, 3D printing), Virtual Labs (online databases of projects and networking of actors) and Temporary Labs (temporary laboratories at locations).
The Faculty of Architecture has a positive experience of involving the real sector through the Scientific-Research Project in cooperation with the Municipality of Novo Sarajevo, through the ArchiPraxis event, and earlier HURBE and HERD capacity building projects.