The reform of higher education in BiH, which aims to provide a single academic as well as a single scientific-research European area, requires the definition of three cycles of higher education.

Cycle III participants were treated as both students and researchers. The third cycle of studies includes a wide range of structured doctoral programs related to the general qualifications frameworks of the European Higher Education Area, which aims to strengthen the research capacity and competitiveness of European higher education. The central component of doctoral training is the improvement of knowledge through original research. One of the goals of the Bologna Process is the overall increase in the number of doctoral candidates who will take over research careers within the EHEA.

The third cycle of studies creates space for young professionals who, as doctoral candidates, get an open path for scientific research, which can contribute to social progress based on the development of new approaches and ideas. The Faculty of Architecture in Sarajevo, during the school year 2008/09, initiated the third cycle of studies, and in the school year 2013/14 it accesses certain changes and amendments to the study program for the third cycle of studies and plans to enroll a new generation of third cycle students.

III cycle of studies – doctoral studies, is a necessary continuation of professional and academic training and education at the Faculty of Architecture in Sarajevo, as a continuation of a long tradition of postgraduate studies at this faculty and as a logical continuity of higher education in teaching according to Bologna principles. The great interest of students for further academic development, and the growing needs in scientific research and professional activities, are the justified reasons for its establishment and maintenance of continuity.

The proposed doctoral study program was created after extensive preparations, harmonization with similar programs in neighboring countries and the European environment, as well as based on many years of experience in conducting postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Architecture in Sarajevo, adapting to modern needs and specifics of architecture and society. The purpose of the doctoral study program is to enable students for quality and independent, original scientifically relevant research work in accordance with European standards, which, in addition to contributing to the development of science in technical sciences and architecture and urbanism, meets the needs of professional practice and social development.

At the following link you can read in detail all other information about the III cycle of studies

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