The Faculty of Architecture in Sarajevo fosters cooperation with many higher education institutions around the world through various programs, projects, as well as through bilateral cooperation. The Commission for International Cooperation of the Faculty of Architecture was established with the aim of coordinating activities and developing international relations with partner faculties and other university institutions in Europe and the world; openness to foreign students, teachers and associates from the region, but also beyond, promoting the value of international cooperation among students, teachers and associates and promoting the diversity of study programs. The cooperation of the Faculty with foreign faculties, scientific institutions and international agencies to help the development of science is of great importance for achieving the basic goals of the development of the Faculty.

  • Prof. dr Aida Idrizbegović Zgonić, Vicedean for International Affairs
  • Prof. dr. Adnan Pašić, Board member
  • Prof. dr. Nerman Rustempašić, Board member
  • Doc. dr. Nermina Zagora, Board member
  • Doc. dr. Senaida Halilović, Board member
  • V. Ass Lejla Kahrović Handžić, Board member
  • Ass Renata Androšević, Board member
  • Alda Dževlan predstavnik studenata, Board member
The Board for International Cooperation is realized in the following areas of activity:
  • Manages and coordinates activities at the Faculty level related to determining the strategy for the development of international cooperation of the Faculty and its implementation;
  • Initiates and coordinates opportunities for application of the Faculty and its organizational units to various scientific-research, research-development and other projects and provides adequate and timely information;
  • Creates and undertakes adequate activities, including making and submitting appropriate proposals to the Dean and the Faculty Council, which improve inter-university cooperation in order to contribute to the optimal use of existing knowledge and their modernized application in all forms of teaching and scientific activities;
  • Initiates and coordinates at the level of the Faculty activities and measures, including proposals to the competent authorities, which are aimed at establishing cooperation in joint projects with universities in the country and abroad;
  • Development of existing cooperation with partner faculties of foreign universities, as well as establishment and development of cooperation with institutions and organizations that successfully develop scientific research in the field of architecture and urbanism.
  • Cooperation with academies and faculties of the University of Sarajevo with the aim of creating conditions for interdisciplinary activities in cooperation with foreign universities.
  • Coordinates student mobility in the departure of our students to foreign universities and the arrival of foreign students>
    It coordinates the mobility of academic staff both in the departure of our teachers and associates to foreign universities and in the arrival of teachers and associates from foreign universities.
  • Creating conditions for the development and participation in bilateral and multilateral educational, scientific and research programs and projects
  • Coordinates and supports the organization of international scientific conferences.

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