As the basis of spatial conceptualization and visualization, the field of spatial planning and graphic display presents a complex unity of visual perception, abstraction of form and graphic language. Graphic interpretation of space and graphic communication as a generator of the creative process in architecture, directs thought flows towards qualitative and innovative designs. Graphic communication in technical and architectural practice includes, on the one hand, visual perception and graphic methods of creating space in the image, and on the other hand, classical methods and principles of abstract geometric spatial modelling and projection methods of geometry, in the modern age including computer modelling and graphics. The field of spatial planning and graphic display is therefore divided into two areas at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Sarajevo, represented through two subdepartments, of which the Sub-department of Freehand Drawing focuses on the visual aspects of spatial perception and spatial graphic interpretation, while the Sub-department of Design Geometry and Computer Graphics covers more abstract rational domains of graphically interpreted geometry and information spatial modelling. Relying on an integrated approach to teaching, which binds theoretical and practical aspects into one unity, courses in this field on the one hand support the valorisation of cultural heritage through teaching and work in local historical environments and through accompanying exhibitions, and on the other hand, they are in a constant process of innovation following the latest technical achievements in the field of information technology and their adequate application in architecture and its representation and visualization. It is important to point out the successful balance between classical and modern graphic methods and techniques, which was achieved in this area in the teaching process at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Sarajevo.

Within the Department of Spatial and Graphic Visualisation, the Sub-department of Descriptive Geometry covers the field of geometric conceptualization, and graphic visualization of space and spatial forms. Through applied geometry, a systematic approach to defining spatial elements and their relationships is mastered, encompassing not only the geometric abstraction of the form but also its multidimensional graphic display.

The Sub-department for free drawing includes multiple aspects of artistic upgrade that contributes to the development of a sense of spatial visualization and spatial graphic display in a real spatial environment. Through various graphic techniques, the characteristics of the perspective spatial visualization of various spatial elements and shapes, the proportions of spatial relations in the visual field, the mutual relations of spatial elements within the given composition and in relation to the environment, along with the visual characteristics of textures and materials, are explored in practical form. The development of artistic elements through drawing also includes more complex spatial configurations, polychromatic approach, and work in the exterior. The teaching process is integral, encompassing theory, specific practice and various graphic techniques.

Head of department:
Department members:

Pervan Lada, akademski slikar

Position: Magistrica nauka, Redovna profesorica

Pervan Lada, akademski slikar

Magistrica nauka, Redovna profesorica

Babović Nihad,

Position: Doktor nauka, Redovni profesor

Babović Nihad,

Doktor nauka, Redovni profesor

CV Nihad Babović 2021

Spahić Džana,

Position: Doktorica Nauka, Docentica

Spahić Džana,

Doktorica Nauka, Docentica

CV Dzana Spahić

Hadžić Amer,

Position: (MA) Magistar Struke, Viši asistent

Hadžić Amer,

(MA) Magistar Struke, Viši asistent

CV Amer Hadžić

Handžić Haris,

Position: (MA) Magistar struke, Viši asistent

Handžić Haris,

(MA) Magistar struke, Viši asistent

Bajramović El-Gazija,

Position: (MA) Magistar struke, Viši asistent

Bajramović El-Gazija,

(MA) Magistar struke, Viši asistent

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