Foreign nationals are obliged to pay the costs of studies in accordance with the applicable criteria.

The status of a student of the Faculty of Architecture is acquired by enrolling in the appropriate cycle of studies, ie the appropriate year within one cycle. Enrollment in the first year of a certain cycle is done on the basis of a competition announced by the University of Sarajevo. The number of students who can enroll in a certain cycle of studies is determined by the decision of the Ministry of Education of Sarajevo Canton, in accordance with the norms and standards of higher education.
Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina with completed four years of secondary education in accordance with the Law on Secondary Education, foreign citizens and citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina who have acquired secondary education abroad have the right to participate in the competition for enrollment in the first cycle of studies. Candidates who have acquired secondary education abroad, can enroll in the first year of study only after the nostrification, ie the equivalence of the certificate, and no later than the beginning of the school year.

To apply for the competition for enrollment in the first year of study, candidates are required to submit the following documents:


enrollment request


original certificates of completed high school classes completed in BiH for a period of four years,  appropriate nostrified documents for candidates who have not completed high school in Bosnia & Herzegovina


original high school diploma


birth certificate


Certificate of Citizenship


other documents relevant for determining the number of points by criteria

The order of candidates who have the right to enroll is determined after the entrance exam, according to the general success in high school, success in relevant subjects, and success in the qualifying exam. Only candidates who have achieved at least 50% of points in each individual area of ​​the entrance exam at the entrance exam can enroll at the Faculty. Candidates who have met the conditions of the competition, and passed the entrance exam, have the right to enroll in the first year of study, if the number of such candidates is within the prescribed enrollment quota. Candidates who meet the above conditions, but are outside the established number of candidates on the ranking list who are admitted to the first year of full-time study funded by the founders of the Faculty, they can possibly enroll in the first year of parallel full-time study with self-financing if such study is approved by the Ministry of Education of Sarajevo Canton, in a certain quota. The amount of costs of self-financing studies is determined by the Government of Sarajevo Canton.


The entrance exam is held at the beginning of July, after a closed competition for enrollment in the first year of the first cycle of studies. Candidates are required to bring the necessary equipment (writing and drawing equipment) and an identification document (ID card or passport). Ranking of candidates and admission of students to the first year of study is done depending on the number of points that the candidate wins:

The number of points based on the general success is a maximum of 40
The number of points based on success in individual subjects is a maximum of 20
The entrance exam carries a total of max. 40 points.
Based on the success achieved at the entrance exam, candidates who have won at least 51% of the total number of points can enroll at the Faculty of Architecture.
At the entrance exam, the candidate achieves a total of 40 points, divided by areas:
bodova MAX.
bodova MAX.
bodova MAX.
boda MAX.

Candidates who, in accordance with the Competition, meet all the admission criteria, for enrollment in the first year of study, in addition to the above documents, submit:

  • Enrollment and semester list;
  • Register-index;
  • Data on health status – medical certificate (issued by the Institute for Student Health Protection of the University of Sarajevo);
  • Proof of regulation of obligations for study costs in accordance with the Law and relevant decisions of the Government of Sarajevo Canton.
The enrolled student is issued an index, a public document proving that he has the status of a full-time student of the Faculty, with the rights and obligations that belong to him by law.
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