Arhitektonski fakultet na Brno University of Technology u Republici Češkoj, otvorio je 08.11.2023. konferenciju za doktorante 12 th Annual Conference on Architecture and Urbanism 2023: Constraints to further development.
Ovogodišnja tema se u okviru discipline arhitekture posvetila istraživanju suvremenih istraživačkih tema u okviru obrazovanja, historije, teorije, održivog razvoja i tehnologije, a u okviru discipline urbanizma istraživanju na polju obrazovanja, kvaliteta života u urbanom prostoru, varijabilnosti i otpornosti urbanih struktura, historiji i transformaciji, rastu, digitalnim transformacijama i obnovi.
Studenti III ciklusa na Arhitektonskom fakultetu i članovi nastavnog osoblja s Katedre za urbanizam i prostorno planiranje v. asist. Katarina Bošnjak Karadža i v. asist. Ibrica Jašarević, u koautorstvu sa Edinom Jenčiragićem predstavili su svoj rad pod naslovom UNDERSTANDING CONSTRAINTS OF CITY AMELIORATION: Insight into specificities of Sarajevo in transition. Sažetak rada nalazi se u nastavku.
Sarajevo is a city of socio-spatial specificities – a tumultuous history of urban development and promising future abruptly halted by its siege from 1992 to 1995. This state administrative center has been in transition for the past 28 years, which became an excuse for its degeneration and lack of initiative for its development. This paper aims to examine the intricate web of administrative, legislative, planning, economic, and socio–spatial boundaries to offer answer(s) to the question – what is constraining this city from moving forward?
To provide these answers, aerial photos and city plans genesis were analyzed, historical review was conducted, and demographic and economic data were analyzed, all with regards to IEBL and its lingering consequences. This paper offers an overview of interrelationship of factors that create the current post-war transition ambience, and related problems that manifest socially and spatially.
Key Words: Inter-Entity Boundary Line, liminality, transition, urban plan, vulnerability, Sarajevo